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Camtasia System Audio Plugin Install Failed Mac

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June 2017: a key component for these instructions is no longer actively maintained, so these instructions are no longer valid for Modern Mac configurations.

Download and install the latest version of YupTools Deleted Photo Recovery tool. On the home screen, select Recover Photos option. Now, select Recover Deleted Photos. You can see a list of available drives on your system. Select the one where you lost your Camtasia recorder files and click Next. The software scans the drive and displays a list. Go to the My Products and Subscriptions page and locate your Avid plug-in. Click the arrow on the right of the purple banner. Locate and download the version that is compatible with either your Windows or Mac computer. Go to your Downloads folder, locate your Avid plug-in file and double click the installer.

I listen to podcasts. I watch videos. I watch podcasts of different languages. But more than anything I read and write. I practice languages. That's just how I roll. And sometimes, my ramblings bring me as far as understanding English meaning of some specific kikuyu translation texts.

Frequently I want to save an audio snippet or video clip for future reference. Sure I could save the source media file, if I had unlimited disk space. But what I usually do is keep a link to the original source and text synopsis of the snippet. That both saves on storage and makes future searches for that particular item simpler.

If you're like me, you really want the original text more than a synopsis. It take s a bit of extra effort, but I have a nice solution that uses only a Mac and open source software. Read below for instructions on converting an MP3 audio file to a text document.

The Basics of Configuring Your Mac to Transcribe .MP3 Audio

Here's what you need:

  • The original media (.mp3 file, for example)
  • Soundflower. Soundflower is an application that creates a virtual audio channel and directs audio input and output to physical or virtual devices.
  • Audacity. Audacity is a free application for recording and editing sounds.
  • TextEdit is the default text editor/word processor that is included in Mac OS X.

Follow the instructions on the developer websites to get all of the software installed and working on your system. Once you have the software installed, the next step is to configure your Mac to use Soundflower for dictation.

  • Open System Preferences and click on 'Dictation & Speech'
  • Select the Dictation tab
  • Select 'Soundflower (2ch)' as the dictation input source
  • Click Dictation to 'On'
  • Tick the 'Use Enhanced Dictation' box

Your Mac is ready for dictation. When dictation is turned on in TextEdit (or a another word processing app), your Mac will transcribe sound from the Soundflower input source.

Getting Your Audio and Text Files Ready

Next, you need to queue up the audio file in Audacity and direct output to Soundflower. For those who are new to Audacity, this will be the trickiest step. But relax, you don't need to learn much about Audacity beyond deciding what section of sound to play and how to select the audio output from the default speakers to Soundflower.

  • Launch Audacity
  • Import your audio file into audacity (File–> Import, or simply drag the file into the center of the Audacity screen.)
  • Click the play button to give it a listen, then click stop once your confident you have the right sound clip/transcription area.
  • Choose Audacity –> Preferences –> Devices. Under playback, choose 'Soundflower (2ch)' to switch the output from the onboard speakers to Soundflower. Click 'OK'

With Audacity and your sound file queued up, its time to turn your attention to TextEdit.

  • Launch TextEdit
  • Create a 'New Document'
  • You may want to add some meta data to the document, such as the podcast name, episode #, publish date and URL, to go along with the key transcript.
  • Position the cursor in the file where you want the transcript to appear.

And … Action!

It's time to start audio playback and dictation transcription. Here both sequence and timing are important:

Camtasia System Audio Plugin Install Failed Machine

  1. In Audacity, move the scrubber start location 10-15 seconds before the key transcription area.
  2. Press 'Play.' The scrubber and meters will start moving, though you won't hear any sound. The audio signal is going to Soundflower instead of to the speakers.
  3. Put focus on Text edit and position the cursor where you want the transcription to begin.
  4. Select Edit –> Start Dictation. (or use the hot key combination, Fn Fn). A microphone icon with a 'Done' button will appear to the left of your document.
  5. Text will start appearing in the document. It will likely lag by about 3-5 seconds.
  6. After approximately 30 seconds press the 'done' button. Transcription will continue until complete.

This is the fun part: watch as transcription happens in real time right in the document window. Look Ma, no hands!

And now you have the original text (and most likely a few errors) as text to save. In the future you can easily search and retrieve the information.

An Excellent Alternative: Google Docs Voice Typing

While the solution above works great for offline work, one alternative with a lot of promise is Google Docs. The Voice Typing feature work much like the dictation service in Mac OS. It has the crowdsourcing advantages and privacy disadvantages of other Google products. If you're OK with that, I found Voice Typing to do an very good job with accuracy and it can go longer that Mac OS dictation.

Download c programming language for mac. To use Google Voice Typing, follow all of the steps above with Soundflower, Dictation preferences and configuring Audacity. Instead of using TextEdit, you'll want to start the Chrome browser and create a Google Doc. Once you are in document, Select Tools –> Voice typing

The user interface and process of starting and stopping transcription is the same as with TextEdit.

Dictation and Transcription Limitations

This process sets you well on you way to the goal of a high fidelity audio transcription. But it will be short of perfect. Here's what you can do to go from good to perfect:

Camtasia System Audio Plugin Install Failed Mac
  • Understand that Mac OS dictation transcription works for a maximum of 30 seconds at a time. If you need longer, you may want to use an alternate technology such as Dragon.
  • Audio playback needs to start before dictation/transcription begins in TextEdit. TextEdit needs to be in focus for dictation to work. If you set the Audacity scrubber a few seconds ahead of target snippet, you'll be fine.
  • Transcription cannot intuit punctuation. You'll need to add that after the fact.
  • If you have multiple speakers or a noisy background, you may need to complete one additional step of creating a pristine audio file to work from. This can be done by listening to the sound through headphones and speaking the text into an audio recorder. Use the recording of your voice to drive the transcription.

Generic Configuration

Maven plugins (build and reporting) are configured by specifying a element where the child elements of the element are mapped to fields, or setters, inside your Mojo. (Remember that a plug-in consists of one or more Mojos where a Mojo maps to a goal.) Say, for example, you have a Mojo that performs a query against a particular URL, with a specified timeout and list of options. The Mojo might look like the following:

To configure the Mojo from your POM with the desired URL, timeout and options you might have something like the following:

The elements in the configuration match the names of the fields in the Mojo. The mapping is straight forward, the url element maps to the url field, the timeout element maps to the timeout field and the options element maps to the options field. The mapping mechanism can deal with arrays by inspecting the type of the field and determining if a suitable mapping is possible.

For Mojos that are intended to be executed directly from the CLI, their parameters usually provide a means to be configured via system properties instead of a section in the POM. The plugin documentation for those parameters will list an expression that denotes the system properties for the configuration. In the Mojo above, the parameter url is associated with the expression ${query.url}, meaning its value can be specified by the system property query.url as shown below:

The name of the system property does not necessarily match the name of the mojo parameter. While this is a rather common practice, you will often notice plugins that employ some prefix for the system properties to avoid name clashes with other system properties. Though rarely, there are also plugin parameters that (e.g. for historical reasons) employ system properties which are completely unrelated to the parameter name. So be sure to have a close look at the plugin documentation.

Camtasia System Audio Plugin Install Failed Macbook Pro

Help Goal

Most Maven plugins have a help goal that prints a description of the plugin and its parameters and types. For instance, to see help for the javadoc goal, type:

And you will see all parameters for the javadoc:javadoc goal, similar to this page.

Configuring Parameters

Mapping Simple Objects

Mapping simple types, like Boolean or Integer, is very simple. The element might look like the following:

Mapping Complex Objects

Mapping complex types is also fairly straight forward. Let's look at a simple example where we are trying to map a configuration for Person object. The element might look like the following:

The rules for mapping complex objects are as follows:

  • There must be a private field that corresponds to name of the element being mapped. So in our case the person element must map to a person field in the mojo.
  • The object instantiated must be in the same package as the Mojo itself. So if your mojo is in com.mycompany.mojo.query then the mapping mechanism will look in that package for an object named Person. The mechanism capitalizes the first letter of the element name and uses that to search for the object to instantiate.
  • If you wish to have the object to be instantiated live in a different package or have a more complicated name, specify this using an implementation attribute like the following:
Mapping Collections

The configuration mapping mechanism can easily deal with most collections so let's go through a few examples to show you how it's done:

Camtasia System Audio Plugin Install Failed Macbook

Mapping Lists

Mapping lists works in much the same way as mapping to arrays where you a list of elements will be mapped to the List. So if you have a mojo like the following:

Where you have a field named animals then your configuration for the plug-in would look like the following:

Where each of the animals listed would be entries in the animals field. Unlike arrays, collections have no specific component type. In order to derive the type of a list item, the following strategy is used:

  1. If the XML element contains an implementation hint attribute, that is used
  2. If the XML tag contains a ., try that as a fully qualified class name
  3. Try the XML tag (with capitalized first letter) as a class in the same package as the mojo/object being configured
  4. If the element has no children, assume its type is String. Otherwise, the configuration will fail.
Mapping Maps

Camtasia System Audio Plugin Install Failed Mac Os

In the same way, you could define maps like the following:

Camtasia System Audio Plugin Install Failed Mac

Mapping Properties

Properties should be defined like the following:

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